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Scicon AEROTECH SCN-XT 單車風鏡 (Photochromic鏡片)

Scicon AEROTECH SCN-XT 單車風鏡 (Photochromic鏡片)

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

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Presenting the Scicon Sports Aerotech sport performance sunglasses. Combining research with the world’s best athletes and everything our eyewear team has learned from decades of experience in the field. Designed and manufactured in Italy, the Aerotech sunglasses are made for athletes that seek a large field of vision, best in class protection and ergonomic adaptability for a perfect fit. Like any high performance piece of equipment you expect a high level of customisation for it to perform at its best. The shield lens design in the Aerotech sunglass provides an extended range of view and paired with several ergonomic settings and choices of lens qualities and lens sizes, this pair of performance sunglasses is the most versatile piece of eyewear you can get today. Designed for intensive use in cycling, triathlon and mountain bike. Our proprietary Power Ergo Design Fit™ features exchangeable nose pads, flexible temples and a unique Clip Switch™ System for further adjustability of the temples. Choose between photochromic SCN-XT™ lenses and our  SCN-PP™ performance multimirror lenses in up to three different lens sizes and from a variety of lens colors and frame colors. With this pair of sport performance sunglasses you will get a custom fit every time for total comfort and protection.



POWER ERGO DESIGN™ is a project initiated by Scicon Sports’ bike science division ASG Bike Science, that brings bike scientists, product designers and athletes together to develop high performing, comfortable and aesthetic cycling products. Our mission is to develop products with only the highest standards, combining product design mastery and scientific research in the field. Our team of experts has developed a pair of sunglasses that can be customised individually for an optimal fit, providing various options to adjust your sunglasses where they touch your head and face. Adjustable temple tips, adjustable flexibility in the temple arms and adjustable, double-click nose pads in three different sizes guarantee the optimal comfort and fit and make sure the sunglasses stay on your face.



If only the best is good enough, your choice of lens will be an SCN-XT™ lens. Enabled through a partnership with the world’s leading lens manufacturer Essilor Sun Solutions. The photochromic SCN-XT™ lenses with NXT® technology from Essilor Sun Solutions provide the ultimate lens quality. Featuring a formula that was originally developed for the use in windshields of attack helicopters, the NXT® technology in our SCN-XT™ lenses makes an unbreakable, bulletproof, lightweight and optically superior lens. Photochromic pigments are encapsulated in the mass of the lens which preserves the pigments for an accurate and reliable performance with higher definition and sharper image. The SCN-XT™ photochromic lenses are optical lenses that darken on exposure to specific types of light of sufficient intensity, most commonly ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In the absence of activating light the lenses return to their clear state. Our SCN-XT™ lenses are guaranteed not to break or crack and are 16% lighter than CR39 lenses and 10% lighter than conventional polycarbonate lenses while being stronger than any other lens material. SCN-XT™ lenses are the only lenses that offer optimal clarity, lightweight, high impact resistance, chemical resistance and 100% UV protection. SCN-XT™ is the no compromise lens.



Everybody loves options and the interchangeable lens system in Scicon Sports performance sunglasses gives you just that. All of our sport performance sunglasses come with an interchangeable lens system and are great for those that perform in all weather conditions. Tailor your cycling sunglasses and swap out lenses for different light conditions.



When you’re exerting yourself in sports, your body is heating up and emits heat through sweat. The heat will always be looking to move to something with a cooler temperature and will end up on your lenses. As the heat cools down it emits vapor and condenses on your lenses, creating fog and limiting your vision. The key to keeping your lenses from fogging up is to keep air circulating behind them. The frame design of the Aerotech sunglasses promotes airflow with numerous top panels and vented lenses allowing a fog free ride with perfect vision.



The Flexi Fit™ Temples on the Scicon Sports performance sunglasses range are adjustable for improved fit and helmet compatibility. A flexible fit is achieved by adding or removing the Clip Switch™ to allow for greater flexibility and keep your sunglasses firmly in place.



The Scicon Sports Fender System™ enhances face protection, preventing contact or injuries between lens and face in the case of a crash. Made out of soft, light and anallergic thermoplastic elastomer, the lens fenders slide onto your lens with a snug fit. Available in two different formats, a regular and a sprint version and several colour options, offering a customisable look. When removed you create a half-rim lens with a more classic feel. It is in the performance stakes where Scicon Sports sunglasses are ahead of its rivals.



Temple tips will help keep your sunglasses securely in place and provide exceptional comfort. Soft, adjustable rubber temple tips ensure perfect grip and a fully-customised fit for any shape of face.



Adjust the flexibility of the temple arms with Clip Switch™ elements for a true custom fit. Remove the Clip Switch™ elements for additional flexibility or add them for more rigidity of the temple arm. Featured in all Scicon Sports performance sunglasses, the Clip Switch™ elements come in an array of different colors to change the look of your sunglasses.



A custom fit for every face, adjustable double click nose pads allow you the ultimate flexibility to fit your frame perfectly. Snug and comfortable, adjustable nose pads ensure your glasses stay in place. Three sizes are available in small, medium and asian fit with nose bridge. Choose a Scicon Sports performance model with photochromic  SCN-XT™ lenses and you will get all three nose pads. All performance models with SCN-PP™ are equipped with an asian fit nose pad with bridge. Around 90% of our sponsored athletes opt for the asian fit nose bridge and it is likely that is going to be the right size for you, too.



Choose your Aerotech or Aerocomfort Sunglass with photochromic SCN-XT™ lenses and receive a free FRAME GUARD™ RX Optical Adaptor with your purchase. An essential component for those that are in need of prescription lenses in sport sunglasses. The FRAME GUARD™ is an adapter for monofocal or corrective progressive sport lenses, even with high prescription. Prescription lenses are easy to install by a qualified optician.


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