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Felt TK FRD 場地車架

Felt TK FRD 場地車架

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{{amazonProductReview.avg_rating}} {{'product.product_review.stars' | translate}} | {{amazonProductReview.total_comment_count}} {{'product.product_review.reviews' | translate}}
{{ title.name_translations | translateModel }} : {{variationName[$index] | translateModel}}
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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{{'product.preorder_limit.hint'| translate}}

每筆訂單限購 {{ product.max_order_quantity }} 件

現庫存只剩下 {{ quantityOfStock }} 件


The velodrome is the purest form of two-wheeled competition. It's where true champions are made. With nothing but a frame, fork, two wheels, and a fixed gear, the philosophy is simple: ride faster, ride harder, and leave your competitors in the dust.


But it's not just about raw power. The velodrome demands a unique set of skills, an unfathomably complex understanding of tactics, and unparalleled levels of nerve. Whether you're a newcomer looking to experience the rush of track riding for the first time or a seasoned pro chasing Olympic gold, our legendary TK series will help you reach your goals.



We love track racing. The simplicity, the adrenaline rush, the power, and the grace are second-to-none. And we love the challenge of creating a pure race bike. We've been creating the most aerodynamic race bikes for three decades, and our bikes have garnered countless world championships and a host of Olympic medals on the road and inside the velodrome. Our latest iteration of the venerated TK line was designed around our decades of aerodynamic innovation. With a winning pedigree, including World Championship and Olympic medals, the TK FRD is unmatched speed.



The latest rendition of the TK was painstakingly crafted with feedback from multiple world-class track riders and world champions. Its carbon fiber layup is our most advanced ever for a bike intended to be used in mass start events and endurance competitions. It's lightweight to help its rider get up to speed as quickly as possible. Its pedaling interface is ultra-stiff to ensure that no watt of power is wasted. And it features a finely tuned level of compliance that prevents any loss of forward momentum from the imperfections of a velodrome surface. In other words, this is the bike you want if your goals include winning.



The all-new TK FRD features the most modern, performance-oriented track racing geometry of any bike we've ever created for the velodrome. Track bikes in general have steeper angles and higher bottom brackets than road bikes, which ensures quick handling and smooth racing lines on banked corners. The TK FRD's geometry is long and low, in part to satisfy the latest UCI regulations for pro racing, but principally to allow riders to achieve their most powerful and aerodynamic positions. Ideally suited for mass start events, but also lacking for nothing when it comes to timed events, the TK FRD joins the ranks of the revolutionary TA FRD as being among the very best track bikes the world has ever seen.


The most advanced track racing frame we've ever developed for endurance and mass start events. Equally adept at chasing down PRs in pursuits against the clock when outfitted with aero bars.



FRAME: Felt TK 2.0, UHC Ultimate + TeXtreme carbon

FORK: Felt TK 2.0, UHC Ultimate + TeXtreme carbon



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