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AMS MTB Number Plates 比賽號碼牌

AMS MTB Number Plates 比賽號碼牌

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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The MTB number plates are key important accessories during any mountain bike race. The number plates are used to identify each rider and record their times and positions during the race. They are installed on the front end of the bikes where they are visible from far away.


The AMS race number plates are made of lightweight materials and robust materials with a well-thought design that provides plenty of space for cable routing, and it doesn't rub against the head tube of the bike preventing damage to the paintwork. The plate is also robust once installed, which means it can withstand the rough and tumble of a mountain bike race. Get a nice-looking MTB number plate from AMS; you will want to keep it installed even after the race is over!


How to put a number plate on a mountain bike?

The mountain bike number plates can be installed in a few quick simple steps and they are compatible with enduro and downhill bikes. It comes with 4 attachment strips that you can use with zip ties to securely attach the plate to the handlebar and fork clamp. The zip ties can be adjusted to your preferred position and trimmed after you are done. Please visit our installation page for more detailed instructions.


What is the size of a bike's front number plate?

Size is an essential consideration when choosing the right MTB number plate. The dimensions of a race number plate should provide ample space for a rider's number while still being small enough so it fits comfortably and securely onto the bike without adding unnecessary weight. The AMS mtb race number plates are 1.2mm thick and measure 203mm x 155mm (8" x 6.1"). It is lightweight, coming in at just 35 grams, which is essential for keeping your bike as light as possible during a race.


A simple, easy to install and robust number plate so cool that you may want to keep it installed once the race dust is settled.



Simple and easy to install.

Space a plenty for a cable routing.

Doesn't rub the head tube.

Robust once installed.

You can clip the number without the need of glue.

AMS Style matching mudguards and frame guards.

Compatible with Downhill and Enduro bikes.

Designed and made in Barcelona.



1.2mm thick

203mm x 155mm (8" x 6.1")

35 grams

Carton packaging with hook



A simple, easy to install and robust number plate so cool that you may want to keep it installed once the race dust is settled.


1. Bend 90º the 4 attachment strips

2. Lay out the number plate on your bike to decide if you fix the lower attachment strips over or under the fork clamp. PRO TIP: under if your bike head tube is short (on the DH bike in the video). The idea is that the number plate remains flat once installed

3. Slide the zip ties through the 3 fixing holes. PRO TIP: Take into account if the lower attachment is over or under the fork clamp. Slide the zip ties through the inside if over (on the Enduro bike in the video). Through the exterior if under (on the DH bike in the video)

4. Start by fixing the number plate around the handlebar using the zip ties.

5. Then proceed with the fork clamp. Tight it as needed to adjust to your preferred position.

6. Tighten the 4 zip ties and cut. Number plate ready


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