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AMS Honeycomb 前叉保護貼

AMS Honeycomb 前叉保護貼

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Bike fork guards

Mountain biking is a great way to get outdoors and enjoy the fresh air, but riding in difficult conditions can take a toll on your bike, so it's important to protect your investment. Your forks are one of the most important parts of your mountain bike, and they need to be protected from the elements and bumps and scrapes. Here, we'll show you how to protect your mountain bike forks so that you can keep enjoying your ride for years to come.

All mountain style fork guard

Your mountain bike forks are constantly exposed to the elements and can take a beating, specially if you ride singletrack or tight trails where the fork is always rubbing plants and bushes. Without proper bike protection, your forks can become damaged, which can affect your ride quality and even cause premature wear and tear. Bike fork guard is an essential accessory for anyone wanting to keep their bike’s suspension in top condition. They're relatively inexpensive and easy to install, and they could save you a lot of money in the long run by preventing damage to your forks.

How do I protect my bike forks? 

To protect the paint job on your bike forks and prevent damage from debris, mud, rubbing against bushes and plants use protective tape on the outer side of your forks and on areas prone to cable rub. Also, make sure you clean your forks regularly after every ride; cleaning ensures smooth operation and helps to prolong the life of your fork. In addition, inspect your forks for any signs of damage and scrapes;  If you have installed a bike fork guard or protective tape replace it if necessary. Last, it is important to stay on top of your bike maintenance schedule which includes servicing your fork too. Check with the manufacturer for proper service intervals. Keeping your suspension in good condition is critical to mountain biking and prolonging the life of your bike.

Mountain bike fork guards by AMS 

All Mountain Style fork guards are pre-cut and made for universal fitting which makes installation super easy. The high quality adhesive PVC has a unique look, feel, withstand impacts and abrasion. In addition, the guards come in three different color options to suit your style: choose from black, white camo, and clear that won’t cover the graphics on your cool fork. 

Your fork guard protector kit will include: 1 big part for each fork lower, and a small rectangle with the AMS logo to place on the arch or wherever you want. 

If you're looking for a way to keep your bike fork safe, then look no further than our tough fork protectors. The AMS fork guard is designed to provide maximum protection, you can be sure it will stay in great shape no matter what kind of terrain you ride on.



Get rid of marks, chips and cable wear on the fork.

Don't ruin the look of your fork. Improve it.

Super easy to install, even on the most difficult curves. Fool proof.

Designed for universal fitting for XC, Trail, All Mountain, and Enduro forks.

Designed and made in Barcelona.



High impact and rub resistance honeycomb 380 microns semi-rigid PVC.

Minimum weight (16 grams / 0.56 ounces).

Cool look&feel honeycomb material.

Easy to install. Fits most forks in the market without cutting.

Automotive-grade materials. Won't yellow over time. Guaranteed.

1 big part for each lower of the fork, and a small rectangle with the AMS logo to place on the arch or wherever you want.

AMS Honeycomb FORK Guard is specially designed to protect mtb forks from impacts, scratches and cable rubbing.



Get rid of marks, chips and cable wear on the fork.

Don't ruin the look of your fork. Improve it.

Super easy to install, even on the most difficult curves. Fool proof.

Designed for universal fitting for XC, Trail, All Mountain, and Enduro forks.

Designed and made in Barcelona.



High impact and rub resistance honeycomb 380 microns semi-rigid PVC.

Minimum weight (16 grams / 0.56 ounces).

Cool look&feel honeycomb material.

Easy to install. Fits most forks in the market without cutting.

Automotive-grade materials. Won't yellow over time. Guaranteed.

1 big part for each lower of the fork, and a small rectangle with the AMS logo to place on the arch or wherever you want.



AMS honeycomb Fork Guards are very easy and straightforward to install. They have been designed to cover (without the need of trimming) most XC, Trail, All Mountain, Enduro and even DH forks. Follow this instructions for a PRO finish and durability. And watch the video for a graphical explanation:


1. Clean the fork legs from dust, mud and debris as well as from rest of oils, or silicones, using alcohol or similar. Use only alcohol or alcohol derivatives. Do not use supermarket cleaners, as they have silicones that are the worst enemy of adhesives.


2. Cut the adhesive backing in two for easier manipulation. You can use the small, rectangular part to decorate arch of your fork, or to use as cable rube protection anywhere.


3. Before applying, check exactly where you'd want the Fork Guard to be applied. We made two small V marks at the top and bottom of the AMS Fork Guard, to help you align it horizontally.


4. Apply the center of the Fork Guard from top to bottom, rubbing with your hand gently. While the glue is still fresh, you can reposition it if you placed it badly the first time. Be careful not touching the adhesive side with dirty hands.


5. Apply pressure evenly around all the surface, from center to the sides to help for a better adhesion


6. Let it bond for some hours, and go use it!!!. Well we know you can't wait. OK, you can go ;-)


Additional recommendations:

• Install in a warm area. Avoid installing at temperatures below 12ºC/53 F.

• We use a strong automotive-grade adhesive, so for removal, we recommend using a hairdryer or heatgun to soften the adhesive and PVC and to facilitate the operation.


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