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Nimbl Feat Ultimate 單車鎖鞋

Nimbl Feat Ultimate 單車鎖鞋

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一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Nimbl shoes have world class properties across all major cycling shoe performance criteria. Our shoes are amongst the lightest in the world. Our carbon platform is amongst the stiffest evidenced by the world champion track sprinters that ride our shoes. What fewer know is that nimbl shoes also stand out in aerodynamic performance….


FEAT is our family name for single dial products and it has just got a new flagship. We present you The FEAT ULTIMATE which carries all our learnings from track champions, World Tour riders and most recently by us supporting Dan Bigham’s world hour record project. It is a benchmark setting 185 gram (size 42), ultimately stable, efficient, and aerodynamic shoe that can confidently carry the ULTIMATE title in its range.



The FEAT ULTIMATE are based on our proprietary carbon chassis that is known for its stiffness and power transfer efficiency


For the FEAT ULTIMATE, we have taken shoe stiffness and foot stability to a new level by introducing a new feature: the Carbon Power Strap which keeps your feet firmly in position. With it being manufactured in carbon fiber, it is obviously stiffer than any other material adding to the stability of your feet and thereby your power transfer efficiency. Conclusively, the single dial closure system enables on-the-fly adjustment just before you sprint to the finish line.



Dan Bigham, performance manager at the Ineos Grenadiers and former world record holder selected, after numerous aero tests with multiple shoes from different brands, nimbl as his shoe partner: “I chose nimbl shoes for the hour record attempt as real world, track and wind tunnel testing showed that nimbl shoes were aerodynamically superior to all other shoes tested – they delivered 200 meter extra during 1 hour at 55kph. We have worked with the nimbl team to push its design further, resulting in a pair of shoes that rendered a further 200 meter gain. A unique accomplishment that goes beyond a ‘marginal gain’.


We applied the learnings from the custom World Hour Record shoes to the FEAT ULTIMATE. We have made a wind cheating positioning of the single BOA which also positions the dial at probably the most convenient place to adjust.



In general, nimbl shoes are substantially lighter than their peers. With the ULTIMATE line, we have taken lightweight construction to a whole new level. From the development of the AIR ULTIMATE, we learned quite a few tricks to make ultra-light shoes. These learnings are now translated into the FEAT ULTIMATE. The result: a sub-200 gram high-performance product.


Our secrets? For one, our shoes are handmade in Italy by our experienced craftsmen which craft our shoes according to the tightest tolerances that Far East production often cannot. Secondly, our engineering team focuses relentless on performance only. The result is a no-frills, focused on purpose shoes that do what they must do: make you a better rider.



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